Once the scenes have been captured, the video can finally be assembled. The post-production is the final stage before delivering the video. It is separated into two subsequent steps: the offline editing and online editing.
The offline editing includes the following operations:
Classification and sorting shot sequences (derush)
Assembling of a “sequencing” as a rough draft (timeline without transition or effects)
Electronic transmission to the client for approval (during business days)
Approval Phase: After the validation meeting, the client will prepare a summary schedule with delivery dates.
Changing and adjusting the video to customer requests if necessary.
The second post-production activity, online editing, can then begin. This includes any enhancements that need to be added to the footage, such as the visual and sound effects as well as any other form of animation. The following activities are done:
Adding transition effects and special effects;
Adding introduction and conclusion panels – Lower third
– Animated graphics – Motion Graphics CLIQUER HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MOTION DESIGN.
Final audio mix;
Compression and uploading.
By following the guidelines listed in the technical breakdown, the editor combines video sequences to tell the story. The editor and director collaborate their ideas giving a rhythm and life to the video. This first draft, called the offline, is then shown to the customer for validation. At that time, the client comments about the pace and the eloquence of the work. At this point, with a little imagination, the customer already has a good idea of what the final result will be. During the development of the online version, the post-production team enhances the level of detail and quality of production. These are the final touches before the release. It consists of integrating external visual elements that have not necessarily been captured during production in order to make an attractive and captivating video (light effects – grain in the image – illustration – animation – graphic design – etc). In addition to enhancing the video’s quality, the online step consists of adding or modifying soundtracks. Sound as an important part of the final video; reinforces the impact that images alone can’t quite create when viewed.
The post-production stage consists of the VIU MEDIA team that will work restlessly to guarantee the Client that he will get a high quality video resulting from work done in the previous steps.
VIU MEDIA has designed a work flow and a collaboration ethic to share videos and documents quickly and efficiently towards the approval stage. Using a cloud-based sharing file (Google Drive), any request for changes and corrections are visible in real time. VIU MEDIA works closely with you to ensure that your needs are understood and addressed quickly and on schedule.